The Village for Families & Children
Various Locations, Connecticut
• Renovations to existing historic buildings at 1680 Albany Avenue
- These buildings are on the Connecticut National Register for Historic Places
- Addition to existing dining and kitchen area in Brainard House
- Renovation of existing kitchen and addition of toilet rooms in Goodwin House
- Renovation of classrooms in Cooley-Williams Building
- Office, conference room and kitchen renovations to Perkins House
• Provided facility surveys for more than 13 buildings owned by The Village
• Village South
- Developed conceptual plans and assisted The Village in applying for a grant from the state of Connecticut.
- Worked as Owner's Rep in a design build project for a behavioral-health and treatment facility for Hartford residences
- Partial renovation of ground floor for Adult Services
• KidSafe - interior renewal project including foundation and floor repairs, stair replacement, replacement of interior finishes and furnishings, lighting upgrades and additional life and safety upgrades