9/11 Memorial Sports Center
Pitkin Community Center, Wethersfield, Connecticut
• Renovation of 7,300 square feet within the Community Center
• New gymnasium, conference room, fitness room, lockers, toilets
The driving force behind this project was a sports enthusiast and Wethersfield resident who lost his life in the World Trade Center tragedy. Judy Keane, his wife, felt that providing a sports center for the community was a fitting way to honor her husband’s life. Modifications to the east wing of Pitkin Community Center formed the 9/11 Memorial Sports Center. At the new entrance a twisted steel remnant from the World Trade Center debris forms a striking and awe-inspiring sculpture. It serves as a solemn reminder to visitors of the horrors of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and the lives lost.
2009 Connecticut Recreation & Parks Association - Facility of Merit